3 Best Techniques for Stump Removal
Stump removal is achieved through a number of methods. Picking the one that will work for you will highly depend on the budget for the project, size of the tree, and the availability of materials, among others. While you can easily hire tree service companies to perform stump removal for you, you might want to spare yourself the expensive costs and just do the job yourself. For as long as the stump is not too big, you should be able to handle doing it on your own.
Burning as a method for stump removal seems to be the easiest since it will require the least tools. The downside to this is that it will take some time for the stump to actually die. Another factor is the size of the tree. Perform this method by burning loose branches or charcoal around the stump to facilitate its burning. You just have to make sure that the stump has completely dried out before you go about burning it.
This method of stump removal will very much need the use of heavy equipment. What you just need to do is to facilitate an easier removal of the stump by digging around it first. Then you wrap the stump with the use of cables, straps, or chain that came along with the truck. After doing so, the truck will already do the work of pulling it out until it breaks free.
If any of the other methods seem to be not feasible, then you will have to grind the stump. This stump removal procedure will require you to use a grinder which you can easily rent out in your local home improvement centers. The extent of the work as well as the size of the grinder to use will depend on the stump.
The various ways of stump removal will vary according to a number of factors. This is exactly why you should first assess the stump to decide which approach will be best as well as if you are confident enough to get it done on your own. If you cannot, then you might as well leave the stump removal job to the professionals.