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Seeding is the initial part of Tree care, it is important one does the initial part with at most care, Another interesting article from the book called “Northen California Gardening” by “Katherine Grace Endocott”. Small excerpt form the book. for the benefit of our readers


I.Start with very fine soil. Most gardeners use a sterilized soil such as a potting mix. A few terrific gardeners believe that garden soil and compost are preferable because they contain beneficial soil microbes.

They are doubtlessly correct,but most people still stick to sterilized potting soil because so many seedlings die from a fungus(actually a complex of microorganisms any one of which can be the culprit)popularly called damping off, which is carried in the soil.When a seedling dies by damping off,it keels over from a weakened stem right at the soil line.This is such a sad sight for an eager gardener that sterilized soil is usually preferred.

2.Use clean containers. Some gardeners use milk cartons with holes punched in them. I use small clay pots that have been run through the dishwasher. Some prefer growing seeds in flats. Nurseries and mail-order seed companies sell nifty plastic units that resemble miniature greenhouses. Old containers may be set out in the sun to help sterilize them and prevent the spread of fungal diseases.

3.Add water to the soil mix and stir or mush it about with your fingers until it is wet. Old, dried-out potting soil is amazingly difficult to get wet;so it is much easier to get the soil wet before you put the soil into containers.

4.Put the wet soil into the small planting containers and let excess water drain.

5.Place the seeds in the wet planting soil.Some seeds are very small and this can be tricky work. Do not place the seeds close together.Leave at least one-half inch between them, preferably more. The general rule in planting any seed is to cover it to a depth three to four times its size.

6.Cover the seeds very lightly with soil. This means only one-eighth inch of soil on top of each seed. Some English gardening friends tell me they use vermiculite to cover seeds because sunlight can be transmitted easily through vermiculite. However, some seeds germinate best in darkness. Read the seed packet to see if a need for light or dark is specifically mentioned.

7.Many seeds,and most vegetable seeds,do better when grown in warm conditions preferably with bottom heat, which emulates warm soil. Gardeners place seed pots on top of refrigerators, water heaters, or other appliances that produce a slightly warm surface.Remember to keep the soil damp.

8.Once the seedling has pierced the soil, it needs between four and six hours of sunlight a day. Remember to turn the pots regularly so that the seedlings do no grow lopsided as they bend toward the light. Also be sure to place a sturdy tray beneath the seedling pots to catch water runoff.

9.For the healthiest crop, thin plants so they do not crowd one another.The best way to thin is to snip off the unwanted seedlings with a pair of scissors.When pulling seedlings out you run the risk of disturbing or uprooting a neighboring seedling.

IO. Seedlings are generally considered ready to transplant when they develop the second set of leaves. If the weather is not great outdoors or if you think the plant should be sturdier, transplant it to a larger pot and continue to nurture it indoors.

II.Acclimate seedlings grown indoors by moving them outdoors for a few hours a day for several days, a procedure called hardening off.This is an excellent technique for assuring the survival of the seedlings. However do not put the young seedling in direct sun during these visiting periods. Some gardeners leave the seedlings outdoors for an entire day and night before subjecting them to the rigors of transplanting.

12.Carefully transplant the seedlings into the garden,Be gentle.Do not press down hard on the soil around the seedling roots as this will compact the soil and deprive the roots of air.Roots need both air and water in the soil to thrive,Shield the seedling from bright sun for the first few days.A shingle makes a good shield for one seedling, An umbrella will shield several seedlings.